Highlighting Culturally Relevant Practices

As you may have noticed in your read through of the lesson, there are a few culturally relevant practices embedded in this lesson.

In the images and text below, we'll highlight a few of these moments in the lesson plan.

This lesson plan is anchored in NYC.  The design challenge draws on the city infrastructure all around us, and also connects to our local earthquake risk here at home.

The suggested extension activity to help youth “bring learning to the community,” has youth identify another engineering issue within their community and develop a plan of action to respond to the issue.

For example, the lesson plan includes an extension activity in the ‘differentiation’ section inspired by Black Panther.  Or, you could add to the lesson by exploring the hidden history in our city’s infrastructure and highlighting the wide range of diverse people who have contributed to civil engineering in New York State, such as Emily Roebling, female engineer of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Did you find other culturally relevant practices in the lesson plan in your read-through? Or do you have ideas to add to the cultural relevance of the lesson? Share in the comments section below.

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