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Culturally Relevant STEM 201
Thanks for joining us for this second session focused on culturally relevant STEM practices.
Our Goals
Lesson Plan Spotlight: Blackout Cooler Design Challenge
Key Vocabulary
Before You Begin…
STEM Energizer
What is Culture?
How Do We Make Things Culturally Relevant? (0:41)
What Makes Cultural Relevance Different From Other Forms of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)? (1:24)
DEI and Culturally Relevance
The DEI Distinction Table Introduction (2:10)
Where Is This All Coming From?
Blackout Cooler Design Challenge
Hook Overview (5:18)
Heat Transfer, Conductivity, and Insulation (2:08)
Conducting Heat (4:44)
Let's Build a Mitt (6:09)
Issuing the Design Challenge (14:11)
Culturally Relevant Praxis
Highlighting Culturally Relevant Practices (1:41)
Closing and Next Steps
Closing Reflection
Exit Ticket
Check Out Our Other Courses…
Let's Build a Mitt
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