Setting Expectations: Identifying Team Members + Understanding Roles

Fran and Antoineta look forward to meeting your teams this school year! 

To set up teams at your site, we ask each partner to identify a 3 person educator team, ideally made up of two afterschool educators and one school-day teacher that works together for at least 18 hours over the course of the school year -- roughly 2 hours a month.

It is the responsibility of the Site Director and school administration to determine who will be on the educator team, when STEM is on the schedule, and how often the team will meet.  Meetings might be in-person or they might happen remotely using collaborative tools like Google docs.

The 18 hours of collaboration can manifest in a number of ways...take a look at our planning guide below to see what elements resonate with you.  It's downloadable if you want to review with your team.

STEM Educators Academy_team co-planning guidance.docx (2).pdf

Here is an editable agenda to help teams get started in their work together. Save to your google drive for later!

Complete and Continue